
This website pools information to facilitate living and working across borders as well as in the different parts of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine itself. With links and information, we try to provide help for self-help, so that newcomers and (potential) cross-border commuters can find their way more easily. We prioritise information with a clear cross-border focus, offers with great relevance for people from at least one of the five partner regions, and such services and offers that provide information in a multilingual or visually accessible way. It is not possible to research and/or display all potentially relevant offers, therefore we rely on the network of project partners to filter the most targeted information. Commercial offers are marked from public ones.

Region Aachen Zweckverband is not responsible for the content displayed on any of the website’s external links. The information provided is meant to give a first orientation and is by no means definite and subject to potential changes.

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