Mignon’s story

To me, growing up in the Euregion, it was always there and yet I wasn’t fully conscious of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, I took it for granted.

I did not know the exact boundaries or the name of the Euregion Meuse-Rhine until around my twenties. At the same time, it was the most normal thing to me that from where I lived, I could drive from my hometown in Germany through the smallest part of the Netherlands and be in Belgium, all within twenty minutes.

There are plenty of cultural opportunities, not just for seeing a movie, play or concert in a neighbouring region, but also to engage in cultural activities yourself. There was a time when I was still living in Germany and went to school in the Netherlands, but had my music classes in Belgium. The classes were even a lot cheaper than in the Netherlands.

Mignon Schichel, “cross-border thinker” in Maastricht

Mignon's region

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