Welkom, Bienvenue, Willkommen & Welcome!

In the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, people live across Dutch, French, German, Limburgish, and other (regional) languages and media. This Euregio even saw the first territory to make Esperanto its official language (Neutral-Moresnet, 1816-1919).

All countries have seen large waves of emigration and immigration, internally and externally. From the 1950s, the three countries have seen large immigration, a.o. from Italy (Belgium and Germany), Morocco (Belgium and the Netherlands), and Turkey (Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands). Today, many people are rooted in this group of people that came to make this region their (second) home.

With several international universities, thousands of bi-, tri- and international employers and newcomers, your Euregio is also home to large immigration from afar and near abroad. This includes cross-border commuters in between several languages – sometimes forming their very distinctive, bi- or trilingual way of intercultural learning and – communication.

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