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Tag: culture of welcome

Borderless Dual Career

children community culture of welcome Education
The institutional Dual Career Services in youRegion offers family friendly assistance and supports the (highly) qualified partners of new employees in finding a job (full section on this website) and provides practical help with settling into new surroundings. Below, find some hints on living and working across the borders of your Euregion with children. By […] » more

youRegion 中文

Cultural differences culture of welcome Euregio legal advice meetings multilingual
欢迎来到你的 “Euregio(n)” 我们,比利时、德国和荷兰的新移民机构网络欢迎您来到我们所说的 “Euregio Meuse-Rhine”。通过这个网站,我们收集了各种信息,以方便您在新的地区生活和工作。在这个所谓的 “尤里吉欧”,您只需几分钟就可以到达三个国家的五个不同地区。我们希望这个概述能帮助您解决各种问题,并在本页的四种主要语言中发现新的机会。 以下是一些您可能感兴趣的附加信息。 在这一地区的不同城市,您可以看到约 2000 名在亚琛工业大学学习的中国学生和德国之声的中文新闻 “Deutsche Welle“,如果您需要一些本地支持,您可以找到国家代表,以及马斯特里赫特大学(荷兰)中国团队、”Brightland Research Campusses“中国商务中心(荷兰)和位于哈瑟尔特市的 “POM Limburg’s“(比利时)中国办事处的双边合作。 关于公共交通的更多信息,以下是中文摘要 : 比利时跨境公共交通信息 竭诚欢迎 :   Nordrhein Westfalen Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Provinz Lüttich Provinz Limburg (BE) Provinz Limburg (NL) DE BE NL » more

youRegion По-русский

community culture of welcome Euregio multilingual
Уважаемые русскоязычные пользователи нашего сайта, в территории немецко-бельгийско-голландской границы представлено разнообразие людей, живущих вместе. Под эгидой Euregio Maas-Rhein (Еврорегион Маас-Рейн) проект “youRegion” предлагает не только информацию о трёх странах в 40 тематический областях, но и бесплатные услуги. Игра слов “youRegion” подчеркивает, что вы – независимо от вашего происхождения – можете внести свой вклад в разнообразие […] » more

youRegion in Italiano

community culture of welcome Euregio multilingual
Nell’Euregio Meuse-Reno la diversità unisce le persone nel triangolo di confine tra Germania, Belgio e Paesi Bassi. Il gioco di parole youRegion sottolinea che voi – qualunque sia la vostra origine – potete fare di questa regione la vostra (seconda) casa e contribuire alla sua diversità. Purtroppo necessario al momento: Trova tutte le informazioni sulla […] » more

youRegion Türk dilinde

culture of welcome multilingual
Yeni bölgenize hoşgeldiniz! YouRegion olarak, sizin Maastricht, Liège, Hasselt ve Aachen etrafında kendinizi evinizde gibi hissetmenize yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarız. Hoşgeldiniz:   Nordrhein Westfalen Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Provinz Lüttich Provinz Limburg (BE) Provinz Limburg (NL) DE BE NL Euregio’daki ülkele için melumat Almanya, Hollanda ve Belçika’ya 1960’tan itibaren konuk işçi olarak gelmiş ve bugünlerde bölgedeki nüfuzun […] » more

Multilingual welcome

culture of welcome multilingual
Welkom, Bienvenue, Willkommen & Welcome! In the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, people live across Dutch, French, German, Limburgish, and other (regional) languages and media. This Euregio even saw the first territory to make Esperanto its official language (Neutral-Moresnet, 1816-1919). All countries have seen large waves of emigration and immigration, internally and externally. From the 1950s, the three […] » more

youRegion po polsku

community culture of welcome legal advice multilingual
Fajnie, że do nas trafiłeś i chciałbyś zadomowić się w regionie. Niestety nie mamy możliwości stworzyć całej strony w Twoim języku ojczystym – mimo to serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w różnych wydarzeniach i ofertach. Ten Euroregio jest mozaiką różnych narodowości dlatego serdecznie zapraszamy do współudziału i współtworzeniu życia bez granic. Polskojęzyczne informacje o życiu […] » more


culture of welcome English-speaking institution Onboarding
Euregional culture of welcome YouRegion offers the starting point for finding interconnected services that help workers navigate the region irrespective of national differences. With tailor-made and multilingual information, services and events, youRegion wants to serve as your signpost and gateway for living and working the euregional way. Services across national borders your Guide youRegion at […] » more


buddy community culture of welcome language learning meetings
You are welcome in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine– and you can help welcome others. Although our cities and places might seem small and partly rural, you will not have trouble finding many internationals close by who are eager to connect. Regular meetings are organised across the youRegion network and specifically for that purpose. Newcomers can quickly […] » more

Services in English

communication community culture of welcome English-speaking joint programme language learning student inititiatives
In the Netherlands, most bureaucratic issues can be dealt with in English. In Belgium and Germany, you will find many people in personal contact English-speaking, but documents are not automatically translated. The partners of youRegion are ready to help with their personal expertise – and websites, not least with the one you are already on. […] » more

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