Tag: community
Borderless Dual Career
children community culture of welcome EducationThe institutional Dual Career Services in youRegion offers family friendly assistance and supports the (highly) qualified partners of new employees in finding a job (full section on this website) and provides practical help with settling into new surroundings. Below, find some hints on living and working across the borders of your Euregion with children. By […] » more
Multilingual media
comfort zone community Cultural differences English-speaking Exploration language learning OnboardingFind an overview on multilingual and English-speaking media offers in the Euregio. We also included an overview on the most important local media in German, Dutch, and French. Head to our section on multilingual media for children for media suggestions for the little ones. Bi-national news and information Euregional news Bi-national news and information Arte is a […] » more
youRegion По-русский
community culture of welcome Euregio multilingualУважаемые русскоязычные пользователи нашего сайта, в территории немецко-бельгийско-голландской границы представлено разнообразие людей, живущих вместе. Под эгидой Euregio Maas-Rhein (Еврорегион Маас-Рейн) проект “youRegion” предлагает не только информацию о трёх странах в 40 тематический областях, но и бесплатные услуги. Игра слов “youRegion” подчеркивает, что вы – независимо от вашего происхождения – можете внести свой вклад в разнообразие […] » more
youRegion in Italiano
community culture of welcome Euregio multilingualNell’Euregio Meuse-Reno la diversità unisce le persone nel triangolo di confine tra Germania, Belgio e Paesi Bassi. Il gioco di parole youRegion sottolinea che voi – qualunque sia la vostra origine – potete fare di questa regione la vostra (seconda) casa e contribuire alla sua diversità. Purtroppo necessario al momento: Trova tutte le informazioni sulla […] » more
youRegion po polsku
community culture of welcome legal advice multilingualFajnie, że do nas trafiłeś i chciałbyś zadomowić się w regionie. Niestety nie mamy możliwości stworzyć całej strony w Twoim języku ojczystym – mimo to serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w różnych wydarzeniach i ofertach. Ten Euroregio jest mozaiką różnych narodowości dlatego serdecznie zapraszamy do współudziału i współtworzeniu życia bez granic. Polskojęzyczne informacje o życiu […] » more
buddy community culture of welcome language learning meetingsYou are welcome in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine– and you can help welcome others. Although our cities and places might seem small and partly rural, you will not have trouble finding many internationals close by who are eager to connect. Regular meetings are organised across the youRegion network and specifically for that purpose. Newcomers can quickly […] » more
Sports & clubs
community Euregio events sportsAs a spectator or as an athlete: Find the highlights and the most popular sports and best overviews on joining a club. Also, find sports in our dedicated section on euregional groups & initiatives.and sports with a handicap. Click to find your hobby & club: Nordrhein Westfalen Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Provinz Lüttich Provinz Limburg (BE) […] » more
comfort zone community Cultural differences housing Insurance language learning Onboarding student inititiatives Tarifs Ticket University volunteeringTop technology in studying The Euregio Meuse-Rhine is host to RWTH Germany’s largest technical university, one of Belgium’s most entrepreneurial knowledge campuses Corda Campus, and the Netherlands’ youngest and most international tertiary institution, Maastricht University – all within the reach of (sometimes free for students) cross-border public transport. Studying in itself is an adventure – studying abroad even more so. The […] » more
Student support and initiatives
community English-speaking events UniversitySome groups focus on culture and language learning such as lncas Aachen who provide language partners, housing support, and tandem events, others such as Match Maastricht allow for (highly) specialised sports or neighbourhood activities. Choose what suits you best to find support, engage in the local events and make the Euregio Meuse-Rhine your home. Also our volunteering section provides […] » more
Starting a business
branches community cross-border commuter entrepreneurship Finance WorkingThe trinational Euregiochambers (of Commerce) allow for a first overview across the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. They combine information from the various chambers of commerce at once. Also, find the free euregional match-making platform of hyperregio.eu, open for subscription. For general information on starting a business across the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, the Europa.eu website provides a multilingual overview […] » more