Cross-border commuting

A borderless labour market needs specialised cross-border information desks. These “GIPs” provide free legal advice and information: GrenzInfoPunkte in Aachen/Eurode and GrensInfoPunt in Maastricht. Residents, cross-border workers and entrepreneurs can approach the GIP’s for free expert advice on legal and administrative questions regarding borderless living and working in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Other youRegion project partners are able to provide additional support, so never hesitate to ask.

26,000 employees

About 5% of employees in Aachen and Zuid-Limburg come from the neighbouring country for work. With more than 26,000 cross-border commuters in the Euregio in total, it is widespread and a normality for many. Expats, self-employed and artists are border commuters, too. They can make use of diverse services in the cross-border youRegion community, among others the “Services GrenzĂĽberschreitende Arbeitsvermittlung SGA” (Website in FR/DE/NL)

Highlights attracting across borders

In some places in your Euregio, more than 10% of inhabitants cross the border for daily work. For each municipality in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, you find detailed statistics.

Ask questions, make appointments

The contact form might be in German, Dutch, and French only, advisors will understand your inquiry also in English (“Anfrage” / “Contactformulier”):

When you cross a formal state border within the European Union to work in another Member State, additional rules apply. National social security systems in Europe are somewhat coordinated, however yet not harmonised.

  • European rules facilitate access to healthcare and social protection as a cross-border worker, even though healthcare, pensions and family benefits greatly differ.
  • Tax systems are based on national regulations and are therefore coordinated bilaterally in agreements on double taxation (Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen / Dubbelbelastingsverdragen).

The video below (running time 03:00, in German) covers general characteristics of cross-border commuting within the EU. The GIP’s hosted a webinar (running time 58:00 minutes), explaining the most frequent challenges for Dutch-German border commuters (in Dutch, subtitles possible).


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Differences in legislation regarding Corona regulations across borders are challenging people that work in one but live in another country. GrenzInfoPunkte provide dedicated information (DE/NL only).

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