
As an EU-citizen, you are eligible for “free movement” and “equal treatment“. Still, finding an internship across borders is more of a challenge, but also more of an opportunity and adventure.

Support within the Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Several projects have contributed to arrange and facilitate going across borders, with matching companies, pupils and students, and with background documents and services. There is support from public institutions and experiences among many employers.


Euregiowaves provides information for internships in secondary or professional education. Find examples of useful documents and comparisons of the respective educational systems, in French, German and Dutch. The website is part of the project EUR.friends, to facilitate internships across the borders of the Euregio. 


For university students, hyperregion provides a comprehensive brochure with extensive checklists for internships in general and cross-border internships in particular. Note that there are several institutions within your universities to give extra support.

The Locator

“The Locator” displays pretty much every company or firm in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. The extensive map allows for filters on branches and types of jobs. There is no extra information on internship, but the listing makes for a good start for spontaneous applications.

Public Transport

We call this a Euroregion, as Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany are foreign countries and neighbours at the same time. To find cross-border opportunities that are actually close in terms of time and money, find our large overview on connections and tariffs.

In Europe

European Voluntary Service

The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is somewhat like an Erasmus-exchange with working experiences. Your basic costs are all imbursed, and you can choose among thousands of options for short or long-term experiences.

Interreg Volunteer Youth

The programme is part of the European Solidarity Corps / Voluntary Service (see above), and offers particular placements in the border regions across Europe. Your work would be related to facilitating living and working across borders in multiple projects.

Jobs in Europe

It is less intuitive to find a job across the border – portals often limit their registrations and displayed offers to only one (European) country. The website below provides an umbrella, gathering three million vacancies.

Also worth reading:


Difficult times for internships, especially across borders. We hope that this information provides some orientation and inspires for adventures to come.

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